Home Assistant MQTT Broker Install

May 13, 2022 · 1 min read
Home Assistant MQTT Broker Install

In the video below, we show you how to install and configure the Mosquitto MQTT Broker in Home Assistant

MQTT is a messaging protocol for IOT devices that opens up a lot of possibilities for Home Assistant

It doesn’t need additional hardware because it will run on your existing computer network

But MQTT does require a broker to acts a bit like a Post Office for all the messages

Fortunately Home Assistant is supplied with an MQTT broker add-on

Useful links:

Steps Taken

  1. Install Broker
    For Home Assistant, we’ll install an add-on called Mosquitto broker

  2. Create HA user account
    We’ll create a separate account for the integration software to login with

  3. Install Integration
    HA needs to connect to the broker so we’ll install the MQTT integration

  4. Create device account
    We’ll create a separate account for MQTT devices to login with

  5. MQTT-Explorer
    This is a very useful tool and we use it to demo how to connect to the broker

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