How To Install And Configure Kea DHCP Server

In the video below, we show you how to install and configure the Kea DHCP server in Ubuntu or Debian
What we’ll be covering is how to set up a basic DHCP server that supports IPv4
Although there is a lot more you can do with Kea, including monitoring and managing it from a server with a GUI
Useful links:
Because this video is specifically about how to install and configure the Kea DHCP server, I’m going to assume that you already have a server available with the operating system installed
Kea is supported on multiple Linux distros, but for this video we’re only focusing on the popular Debian based ones
So you’ll either need a server that is running Ubuntu or Debian
Steps Taken:
Switch To Root
Because I want to cover both Ubuntu and Debian, we won’t be using the sudo command and will instead switch to the root account
This is because sudo is not installed by default in Debian
If you’re on an Ubuntu server, to switch to root type
Then hit return and enter your own passwordsudo su -
If you’re on a Debian server, to switch to root type
Then hit return and enter the root passwordsu -
Install Dependencies
Now there are different ways to install Kea but what we’ll do is to install the official packages
But first we need to install some dependencies
apt install curl apt-transport-https -y
Add Repositories
To make sure we use the latest version and not what the OS knows about, the recommendation is to use the ISC repositories
You can either add these manually or use a script that’s been provided
At the time of recording, the current stable version is 2.2 which is reflected in the following commandNOTE: The URL will change as newer versions are released so do make sure to check the documentation pagecurl -1sLf '' | sudo -E bash
Install DHCPv4 Server
Now while you can install all of the packages, Kea is modular in design which allows you to install only what you need
For example, I don’t use IPv6, so I can choose to only install an IPv4 DHCP server
What’s good about this is that if there’s a memory leak or security vulnerability in the IPv6 software for instance, it won’t affect this server
WARNING: Installing a DHCP server into an existing network where DHCP already exists will lead to problems so it’s best to do this in a new subnet
To install an IPv4 DHCP server run the following commandsTo install other modules check the websiteapt install isc-kea-dhcp4-server -y
Configure DHCP4 Server
Once the DHCP server is installed, it can be configured, using the file located in the /etc/kea folderEach package has it’s own configuration file and the IPv4 configuration is held in the kea-dhcp4.conf filecd /etc/kea
The existing file isn’t practical to administer so we’ll back this one up and use it for reference
Then create our ownmv kea-dhcp4.conf kea-dhcp4.conf.bak
A basic configuration to support a single subnet would look something like thisnano kea-dhcp4.conf
{ "Dhcp4": { "interfaces-config": { "interfaces": ["ens160"] }, "lease-database": { "type": "memfile", "persist": true, "name": "/var/lib/kea/kea-leases4.csv", "lfc-interval": 3600 }, "renew-timer": 15840, "rebind-timer": 27720, "valid-lifetime": 31680, "option-data": [ { "name": "domain-name-servers", "data": "," }, { "name": "domain-search", "data": "templab.lan" } ], "subnet4": [ { "subnet": "", "pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ], "option-data": [ { "name": "routers", "data": "" } ] // Add reservations here } // Add subnets here ] } }
NOTE: The file is stored in JSON format and must be formatted correctly. For instance, parameters must be separated by a comma, except for the last one. Bear this in mind, because although ordering may not matter, if you decide to move parameters around you will likely have to delete and add commas where necessary
TIP: A text editor like Visual Studio Code will make this much easier to configure
In the above example we’ve defined the interface to listen on
You can define multiple ones but these should only be ones that are necessary
The server needs to keep a record of IP addresses that it leases to avoid duplication, particularly if the server or service restarts
It is possible for Kea to use an external database to store leases in but in this example we store them in a file on the server itself and this one will have been created during the installation
To reduce the file’s size, by default a cleanup of the database will be performed every 3600 seconds or 1 hour to remove redundant information. But you can change this
Now although we’re actually using the default settings, these are a useful reference and it makes it easier to know what to change at later date if ncessary
Next are timers, which I’ve changed so that a lease will last longer than 8 hours, enough for a typical office day
In a network where computers frequently change, for example a Guest WiFi, you would want a much lower lease time of maybe 1 hour to avoid running out of IP addresses
On the other hand, if computers rarely change you might set this to 24 hours
NOTE: When changing the valid-lifetime setting make sure that the renew-timer is set to 50% of valid-lifetime and the rebind-timer is set to 87.5% of valid-lifetime
Global options have been defined for DNS servers and the domain name search which all subnets will typically use
This saves having to repeat the same information for each individual subnet
As well as defining the available IP addresses available in a pool, DHCP options can also be defined that are specific to the pool, for example the default gateway and these are defined within an option-data block
Options defined here can overide the global options, for example you could set a different DNS server for a subnet
Exit and save the file but change the permissions of the file because we created it using the root account
Interestingly enough, the DHCP service is automatically activated when the software is installed Because we’ve made changes to the configuration, we need to restart the servicechown _kea:root kea-dhcp4.conf
systemctl restart isc-kea-dhcp4-server
Check IP Leasing
Aside from checking a computer to see if it has obtained an IP address, you can also check the leasing database, in this example it is a filemore /var/lib/kea/kea-leases4.csv
TIP: If you want to know a computer’s client-id, check the database. Each record begins with the IP address, followed by the MAC address and then the client-id
TIP: Typically an operating system will only try to obtain an IP address for a short amount of time and then give up. So you can bounce the interface by disabling and then re-enabling it to restart the DHCP process -
If you need computers to always have the same IP address but you don’t want to manually configure these on the computer itself then you can reserve IP addresses for them in DHCP
To do this you will need to edit the configuration fileAnd add these to a reservation block, similar to the following examplenano kea-dhcp4.conf
The block is added after a subnet block and for that reason a comma will need to be added after that block’s ]"reservations": [ // MAC address reservation { "hw-address": "00:0c:29:ac:bb:8f", "ip-address": "", "hostname": "win1" }, // client-id reservation { "client-id": "01:00:0c:29:4c:26:8a", "ip-address": "", "hostname": "pop-os" } ]
In this example, one IP address is reserved based on a MAC address and the other using a client-id
NOTE: An IP address which is reserved, must be outside of the pool range
There are other methods available, but these are the most command ways and you can also provide various option data here to a client such as details of a file to download
Client specific DHCP options can also be used to override subnet and/or global options
If DDNS will be used, a hostname for the computer will be needed so that this can be passed to the DNS server
Defining the hostname within the reservation is particularly helpful with situations where the DHCP server does not learn the client’s hostname
NOTE: Hostnames must be unique and it’s best to match what the computer is using. However, if a computer has multiple network interfaces than you could append the network name as an example to distinguish between them
For the changes to take effect, the service needs a restart
systemctl restart isc-kea-dhcp4-server
Multiple Pools
A DHCP server will typically support multiple networks, each of which will need to be defined
To do this you will need to edit the configuration fileAnd add a subnet block, similar to the following examplenano kea-dhcp4.conf
{ "subnet": "", "pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ], "option-data": [ { "name": "routers", "data": "" } ] // Add reservations here }
NOTE: In this case a comma would need to be added after the } of the previous subnet block
Bear in mind, if clients don’t have direct connectivity to a DHCP server and typically they don’t when there are multiple networks, a DHCP relay agent will need to be configured in the network where the clients are to listen for DHCP broadcasts
These broadcasts will then be picked up and relayed directly to the DHCP server
Once an IP address is obtained, a computer will then contact the DHCP server directly for further updates
For the changes to take effect, the service needs a restart
systemctl restart isc-kea-dhcp4-server
Additional Security
To increase security, the DHCP server should be running a software firewall such as UFW
For example, the following rules restrict SSH and DHCP accessWhen a computer first needs to obtain an IP address, it will send out Layer 2 broadcasts which the firewall can’t restrictTo Action From -- ------ ---- 22/tcp LIMIT 67/udp ALLOW 67/udp ALLOW
By default, the DHCP the server will allow RAW sockets and listen to these broadcast requests
Unless the DHCP server will service local DHCP requests i.e. requests in the same subnet it is better to disable this behaviour
To do this you will need to edit the configuration file
Then add the following line into the interfaces-config blocknano kea-dhcp4.conf
"dhcp-socket-type": "udp"
NOTE: The placement of the comma depends on where the line is placed
With the above line, only UDP sockets will be allowed and this works best when expecting requests only from DHCP relay agents
For the changes to take effect, the service needs a restart
systemctl restart isc-kea-dhcp4-server
Authoritative Server
By default Kea will remain silent if a client requests an IP address which is from the wrong network
For example, let’s say you have a laptop connected to a network and it has an IP address obtained through DHCP
You then move it to a network where your Kea server is the DCHP server and the IP addressing is different
Kea knows nothing about this other network and so when the laptop tries to renew its IP address, nothing happens. Instead the laptop is stuck because it has an IP address which does not work and is yet to expire
This behaviour is deliberate because Kea does not necessarily know if the IP is wrong
If you want to avoid this you can make Kea an authorotative DHCP server which will force the laptop in this case to lease a new IP address from Kea
To do this you will need to edit the configuration file
Then instert the following line to a subnet, shared-network or global blocknano kea-dhcp4.conf
"authoritative": true
NOTE: The placement of the comma depends on where the line is placed
For the changes to take effect, the service needs a restart
systemctl restart isc-kea-dhcp4-server
Final Configuration Example
The final configuration example looks as follows
"Dhcp4": {
"interfaces-config": {
"interfaces": ["ens160"],
"dhcp-socket-type": "udp"
"authoritative": true,
"lease-database": {
"type": "memfile",
"persist": true,
"name": "/var/lib/kea/kea-leases4.csv",
"lfc-interval": 3600
"renew-timer": 15840,
"rebind-timer": 27720,
"valid-lifetime": 31680,
"option-data": [
"name": "domain-name-servers",
"data": ","
"name": "domain-search",
"data": "templab.lan"
"subnet4": [
"subnet": "",
"pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ],
"option-data": [
"name": "routers",
"data": ""
"reservations": [
// MAC address reservation
"hw-address": "00:0c:29:ac:bb:8f",
"ip-address": "",
"hostname": "win1"
// client-id reservation
"client-id": "01:00:0c:29:4c:26:8a",
"ip-address": "",
"hostname": "pop-os"
// Add reservations here
"subnet": "",
"pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ],
"option-data": [
"name": "routers",
"data": ""
// Add reservations here
// Add subnets here
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