Install and configure DNS in Linux

Mar 30, 2021 · 3 mins read
Install and configure DNS in Linux

In the video below, we show you how to install and configure DNS server in Linux using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Bind

We’ll set up a DNS forwarder for Internet DNS resolution, as well as forward and reverse lookup zones for our local network

Useful links:

Installation and configuration example:

  1. Install Ubuntu and apply the latest patches

  2. Install and configure Bind9

    sudo apt install -y bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc dnsutils

  3. Configure DNS Forwarding

    cd /etc/bind  
    Backup the existing file, named.conf.options e.g.  
    sudo cp named.conf.options named.conf.options.bak  
    Edit named.conf.options e.g.
    sudo nano named.conf.options
    So it looks something like this
    acl trustedclients {
    options {
    	directory "/var/cache/bind";
    	recursion yes;
    	allow-query { trustedclients; };
    	allow-query-cache { trustedclients; };
    	allow-recursion { trustedclients; };
    	forwarders {;;
    	dnssec-validation no;
    	listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
    	listen-on port 53 {;; };
    NOTE: DNSSec disabled as it was found to cause issues for Ubuntu 20.04

  4. Define zone files
    Backup the existing file named.conf.local e.g.

    sudo cp named.conf.local named.conf.local.bak  
    Edit named.conf.local e.g.
    sudo nano named.conf.local
    So it looks something like this
    zone "templab.lan" {
    	type master;
    	file "/etc/bind/db.templab.lan";
    zone "" {
    	type master;
    	file "/etc/bind/db.172.16.17";
    Check the file for errors
    sudo named-checkconf

  5. Create a forward lookup zone
    Copy an existing file to one with the name used before e.g.

    sudo cp db.local db.templab.lan  
    Edit the file e.g.
    sudo nano db.templab.lan
    So that it looks something like this
    ; BIND data file for templab.lan zone  
    $TTL 604800  
    @ 		IN	SOA	ns1.templab.lan. admin.templab.lan. (  
    			3; Serial  
    			604800; Refresh  
    			86400; Retry  
    			2419200; Expire  
    			604800 ); Negative Cache TTL  
    @		IN	NS	ns1.templab.lan.  
    ns1 	IN 	A
    dhcp1 	IN 	A
    fw		IN 	A
    Check the file syntax
    sudo named-checkzone templab.lan db.templab.lan

  6. Create a reverse lookup zone
    Copy an existing file to one with the name used before e.g.

    sudo cp db.127 db.172.16.17  
    Edit the file e.g.
    sudo nano db.172.16.17
    So that it looks something like this
    ; BIND reverse data file for templab.lan zone
    $TTL 604800
    @ 		IN 	SOA 	ns1.templab.lan. admin.templab.lan. (
    			2; Serial
    			604800; Refresh
    			86400; Retry
    			2419200; Expire
    			604800 ); Negative Cache TTL
    @ 		IN	NS	ns1.templab.lan.
    10		IN 	PTR	ns1.templab.lan.
    12		IN	PTR	dhcp1.templab.lan.
    Check the file syntax
    sudo named-checkzone db.172.16.17

  7. Edit the server’s DNS entry to use it’s own DNS server

    cd /etc/netplan
    Edit the yaml configuration file, e.g.
    sudo nano 00-installer-config.yaml
    Change the IP address of the dns server entry and save the file
    Apply the change
    sudo netplan apply

  8. Start and test DNS

    start bind9
    sudo systemctl start bind9
    Check its status
    sudo systemctl status bind9  
    Test DNS is working e.g.
    host dhcp1.templab.lan

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