Proxmox Bond NICs and VLANs
In the video below, we show how to configure Proxmox to use multiple network interfaces and support VLANs
We show how to bind multiple interfaces together for more network throughput or network redundancy
And cover how to re-configure the management interface so it’s in your management VLAN
NOTE: Because we are switching to VLANs, the hypervisor will now no longer be accessible. However, connectivity will be restored in the next step so make sure you have the means to modify the network switch attached to the hypervisor
We show how to configure a network switch to support VLAN tagging for Proxmox
And how to add additional VLAN interfaces to Proxmox as well as how to configure virtual machines to support VLAN tagging
Useful links:
Steps taken
Configure Proxmox
The default installation creates a dedicated management interface so we need to reconfigure Proxmox to bind the physical interfaces into a bond
The quickest way is to edit the /etc/network/interfacesTo load balance traffic, the recommendation is to use LACP, for examplecp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak nano /etc/network/interfaces
NOTE: If your switches support technology such as MLAG, you can connect the interfaces to different switches. Otherwise they need to be connected to the same switchauto lo iface lo inet loopback iface enp0s25 inet manual iface enp7s0 inet manual auto bond0 iface bond0 inet manual bond-slaves enp0s25 enp7s0 bond-miimon 100 bond-xmit-hash-policy layer2+3 bond-mode 802.3ad
To support network redundancy, an example would be
Either way, we need to reconfigure Proxmox with a management VLAN interface and make the Linux bridge VLAN aware. For example, to use VLAN 100auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface enp0s25 inet manual iface enp7s0 inet manual auto bond0 iface bond0 inet manual bond-slaves enp0s25 enp7s0 bond-miimon 100 bond-xmit-hash-policy layer2+3 bond-mode 802.3ad bond-mode active-backup bond-primary enp0s25
Then we reboot Proxmox to make sure the changes are appliedauto vmbr0.100 iface vmbr0.100 inet static address gateway auto vmbr0 iface vmbr0 inet manual bridge-ports bond0 bridge-stp off bridge-fd 0 bridge-vlan-aware yes bridge-vids 2-4092
Configure Switch
Because Proxmox is now doing VLAN tagging but the network switch is not, we cannot access Proxmox remotely anymore so we need to reconfigure the switch ports
We need to turn the port into a trunk port i.e. one which supports multiple VLANs and set the default, PVID or native VLAN to something unused
Once this is done, the switch will send VLAN tagged traffic to Proxmox and our connection will be restored -
Add VLAN interfaces to Proxmox
Proxmox now has a VLAN aware bridge, so we can add VLAN interfaces to it for direct access to a storage VLAN for instance
To do this select the computer in the left hand pane, navigate to System | Network and from the Create drop down menu select Linux VLAN
Change the name to match the bridge and VLAN ID, for example for VLAN 200, we’d use vmbr0.200
Give the interface an IP address and mask, for example,
Then click Create
On the switch, update the port connected to Proxmox to allow this VLAN
Proxmox should now have access to other computers on your network in this VLAN -
Assign VMs to VLANs
Because Proxmox and the switch are using VLAN tagging, virtual machines will need to support VLANs
For existing virtual machines, select the VM in the left hand pane then select Hardware
Click on the Network Device and click Edit
In the VLAN Tag field, enter the VLAN ID then click OK
On the switch, update the port connected to Proxmox to allow this VLAN
Repeat this for any other interfaces the VM has
For new VMs, add the VLAN tag as part of the installation process
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